The best team in the world – we think!

Out motivation:
Effective staff recruitment for your company!
persomatch created a simple tool that helps companies to find employees who meet the companies’ needs. How does this work? With persomatch, job advertisements from companies can be found directly via Google search. Your job advertisement will be placed exactly where your target groups are: On the most used internet search machine, Google.
Online job portals are too expensive and confusing for you? Classic job advertisements in newspapers do not help you reaching your target audience? We know these problems. With our service you will reach exactly the potential applicants you want to reach – inexpensively and without any wastage
With persomatch you can place job advertisements for all industries and positions and you can choose whether you want to search locally or find your new employees across the whole country.

Tristan Geschäftsführer

Thorsten Mitgründer & Gesellschafter

Elisa Chief Operating Officer

Margarita Chief Marketing Officer

Kira Head of Quality & Social Media

Phuong-Linh Head of Operations Task Management

Anne Operations Managerin

Raoul Sales Manager

Jasmin Accounting Expert & Automation

Armin Business Development Manager

Laura Smarketing & Automation

Annika Teamassistentin

Anke Online Marketing & Eventmanagerin

Babette Customer Success Managerin

Kassandra Sales Managerin

Josephine Office & Content Managerin

Lars Performance Recruiting Consultant

Marci SEA & SEO Managerin

Thorsten Principal Product Manager

Sergen Juristischer Mitarbeiter & Operations

Levin Werkstudent Online Marketing

Lukas Werkstudent Social Media

Anna-Lena Duale Studentin

Mio Feel Good Manager

Yuna Feel Good Managerin

Jamie Feel Good Managerin

Paulchen Feel Good Manager

Bonny Feel Good Managerin

Frieda Feel Good Managerin

Avalon Security Manager
